World's First Genetically Personalised Meal-Shake

Fast, healthy 官网现场APP最新快速更细体彩信息澳大利亚5, personalised to you

NGX's patent-pending approach blends premium, plant-based superfoods to your unique needs - all from just £1.51 per meal. It's "truly a game changer" - Vogue

For optimal fitness, health and longevity

Created by expert scientists and nutritionists

Over 500,000 meals sold

Endorsed by Olympians

Welcome to NGX, where we believe personalisation has the power to be life-changing.

Just like you, your nutritional needs are unique. That’s why we're pioneering the future of health, fitness and longevity through personalised nutrition.

Using insights from your lifestyle and physiology we blend convenient, high-protein nutrition shakes from superfood ingredients that meet your needs. It's quick, tasty and perfect for a life on the go.

Need to maximise results? Our award-winning PRO range dives even deeper, unlocking insights from your DNA to scientifically balance the nutrients you get in every scoop, ensuring your body gets precisely what it needs. Learn More.

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If you’re looking for a completely personalised take on nutrition then it doesn’t get better than NGX

It’s the key to reaching peak performance. At the apex of the trend is personalised nutrition, which experts have called ‘the future of food.

Into your fitness? Like to refuel with a post-workout shake? NGX has you covered with its genetically-personalised nutrition shake, which is tailored to your needs using your DNA.

There are protein powders, and then there are protein powders. NGX BodyFuel is specifically formulated to fit your body’s unique needs… Truly a game-changer.

A diet meal replacement shake based on your own DNA? It doesn’t get more personal than that!

NGX Contains up to 49x More Nutrition than Other Shakes

Chart 7x Vitamin D (ug) 1.5x Calcium (mg) 7x Vitamin B6 (mg) 14x Vitamin E (mg) 2x Vitamin A (ug) 6x Vitamin C (mg) 2x Selenium (ug) 2x Folate (ug) 7x Vitamin B12 (ug) 1600% 800% % NRV 0% 100%

Personalised BodyFuel

Most Meal-Shakes


What is NRV?

NRV or 'Nutrient Reference Value'. NRV's are set for 13 vitamins and 14 minerals for the purposes of food labelling and are EU guidance levels on the daily amount of vitamin or mineral that the average healthy person needs to prevent deficiency.

Why NGX?

Nutrient deficiency causes problems such as fatigue, slower brain function, reduced physical performance and premature aging.

2/3 people miss the NRV for nutrition every day – NHS England

89% of the people we’ve tested require at least 4x more than the NRV for 6 or more nutrients

99% of protein and meal-shakes contain low levels of nutrition per serving

Quick start your journey

Take the NGX Quiz

  • FREE assessment of your physiology, diet and lifestyle
  • FREE report of likely nutritional deficiencies
  • FREE Indication of likely diet influencing genetic variants
  • FREE personalised content for improving your goals
  • FREE access to an online nutritionist

Unlock Personalised Nutrition Products

  • NGX BodyFuel - Your nutritionally complete shake
  • NGX Boosters - Your BodyFuel energisers
  • NGX PowerPack - Your workout performance enhancer

Diamond Maximise Results with NGX PRO

Take a DNA Nutrition Test

  • Easy, at-home DNA saliva swab
  • 30 scientifically-proven genes
  • Registered and approved lab
  • 30-page report on your nutrition and goals
  • Scientific validation of nutrition requirements
  • Total data privacy and security

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